Ian loved everything about his best friend except for his bitch of a sister Kelsey. She was super judgmental about everything the boys did, whenever she was given the opportunity she'd chastise Ian and her brother for the smallest things. If the two were running late she'd call them lazy, if she caught them smoking weed in the backyard she'd tell them how they were never going to succeed in life. She had the largest stick up her ass.
Things changed after Ian discovered he had the power to possess anyone for a brief amount of time. The very first thing he set his mind on was to fuck with Kelsey for revenge, so he borrowed her body.
Ian threw out her old wardrobe and replaced it all with the sluttiest clothes he could buy. He got her a tat then went to a local music fest in the sluttiest outfit. He spent the whole day as Kelsey making out and hooking up with random dudes at the fest. He insisted the men didn't use protection, he didn't care if Kelsey ended up with an STD or pregnant. That bitch deserved whatever came to her.
Wow - that seems excessively mean. I wonder what Kelsey does when she regains control? Will she remember anything?