Monday, September 11, 2017

Girl's Night

"Holy shit your boyfriend's tits are so huge, can I touch them Luke?" Stephanie said.

"Sure," Luke said, "but you got to call me Lacy now. It's weird being called Luke in this body."

"No problem Lacy," Stephanie groped the former man, "holy shit they're real."

Luke laughed, "Of course they're real, I didn't willingly choose to get tits, The Metamorphosis just gave them to me."

Luke had been a victim of what the news was beginning to call The Metamorphosis, an event that caused a small population all over the world to wake up transformed into somebody else. He had been very fortunate that his girlfriend, Beth, was so helpful with his transformation. There were stories about couples splitting all across America, but it turned out that Beth had always been curious about dating women, but she loved Luke, which made the transformation very fortunate for her too.

Since Luke was now Lacy, and as Lacy, Beth invited him out to her monthly girl's night with her BFF's. It was the first time they had seen the new Luke and they were taking it in stride.

"You know what I love about your new tits Lacy?" Beth said.

"What's that?"

"I can finally get my revenge and motorboat you!" She playfully stuck her head between Luke's breasts.

Luke gasped in amusement, "Stop!" He laughed.

"Make me," Beth said and continued motorboating her boyfriend. All the girls and Luke laughed.


  1. Got any plans for multi-body or shared body stories? Those we're all great

  2. Yep, I have one coming up in the schedule. :)
